Keyboard Warriors -why people will say things online but not face to face
It's well known that people say and do things in cyberspace that they wouldn't ordinarily say or do in the face-to-face world. They...
Facebook -harassment and coming out the other side.
Recently I was accused by an individual using a number of aliases of being a “racist, homophobic, sexist, and Islaphaphobic” due to...

Gender Re-Assignment PCSE advice for GP Practices
How should I advise PCSE of a patient gender re-assignment? Gender re-assignment process It is important that practices are aware of the...
NEWS FROM ICO : Supplying records directly to patients
Some practices have questioned if it is appropriate to supply records directly to the patient, and advise has been sought from the ICO on...
Changes to Data Protection Laws and the NHS
Introduction The European Union has been debating for 4 years about proposed changes on the reform of data protection laws. During that...
Version 13 of the IGT for CCG's
Link to the IGT - IG Toolkit Version 13 From time to time the HSCIC will update the IG toolkit to reflect...